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Adecomm transceiver gbic (sfp lc connector), distance: 550m,wl: 850nm. sff-8472 (ddm), msa compliant

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adecomm transceiver gbic (sfp lc connector), distance: 550m,wl: 850nm. sff-8472 (ddm), msa compliant
the adecomm transceiver gbic (sfp lc connector) is a mm 1000base-sx, 1.25gbps sfp transceiver supporting up to 550 meters transmission over om3 mmf fiber, following ieee 802.3ab and sfp msa 1000base-sx. the sfp transceiver consists of vcsel laser tosa, pin (tia) rosa, driver ic and eeprom i2c unit.

data rate: 1.25gb/s
interface: dual lc connectors
850nm vcesl laser transmitter
550 meters transmission over om3 mmf cable
single 3.3v power and ttl logic interface
hot-pluggable sfp footprint
compliant with ieee 802.3ab
compliant with sfp msa
with ddm/dom
temp. range(?): 0~70
gigabit ethernet
fiber channel
other optical links