Conectividad para redes fibra óptica
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Adecomm transceiver (sfp+ lc connector) bidi type, sfp-10g-bx, distance:20km wl: 1330 tx/1270 rx, ieee 802.3ae 10g-bx,sff-8431(eic) and sff-8472 (ddm), msa compliant

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adecomm transceiver (sfp+ lc connector) bidi type, sfp-10g-bx, distance:20km wl: 1330 tx/1270 rx, ieee 802.3ae 10g-bx,sff-8431(eic) and sff-8472 (ddm), msa compliant
the adecomm transceiver (sfp+ lc connector) bidi type, sfp-10g-bx is a type b of 10gbps sfp+ bidi transceivers supporting up to 20 km over single lc smf fiber, following ieee 802.3ae and sfp+ msa 10gbase-lr. these bidi sfp+ bidi transceivers consists of driver ic, eeprom i2c, tx1330nm dfb or tx1270nm dfb laser, pin-(tia) base on bosa technologic.

data rate: 10gb/s
up: tx 1330nm/rx1270nm dfb
down: tx 1270nm/rx1330nm dfb
interface: single lc connectors
distance: 20 km transmission over smf cable
hot pluggable sfp+ footprint
compliant with ieee 802.3ae
compliant with sfp+ msa
temp. range(?): 0~70

10gbe, 10g ethernet
10g networking, storage, telecommunications
10g switches, routers, network interface card(nics)